Ashtree Primary Academy

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Our relationships, sex, health and economic curriculum, supported by the Jigsaw framework, helps children develop values, virtues and compassion. We aim for students to become self-aware, responsible members of the community who can navigate the world safely, both online and offline.

The curriculum is divided into six key units: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. These units teach children to regulate their thoughts and actions, understand their impact on others, and prepare them to make positive contributions to society. Enrichment activities such as assemblies further enhance pupils' learning experiences.

Curriculum Map



  • to teach the nature of human reproduction in gradually increasing detail;
  • to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life;
  • to develop self-esteem and respect for self and others;
  • to explore and clarify attitudes and values;
  • to enable the development of interpersonal skills;
  • to enable the development of a moral perspective;
  • to develop interpersonal and communication skills;
  • to ensure that each pupil will develop the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions and keep themselves safe;
  • to ensure pupils have adequate knowledge and understanding of their own physical and emotional development.

Statutory Requirements:

From September 2020 Relationships and Health Education becomes compulsory in all primary schools. This involves the teaching of objectives which we have combined in our school to fit under the following headings:

  • Relationships
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Being Safe
  • Physical Health
  • Changing Adolescent Body

The DfE also recommend that all primary schools have a sex education programme. Parents cannot request ‘the right to be excused’ from any parts of the Relationships or Health Education. They also cannot be excused from any elements of sex education that is in the Science National Curriculum – this includes these elements of the Y5 curriculum: describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals (which can include humans) & describe the changes as humans develop to old age.

Parents can request ‘the right to be excused’ from any additional sex education offered. Here at Ashtree, we define this element as the teaching of ‘sexual intercourse which can lead to reproduction and conception’ which will be taught in Year 6.

We have chosen to use the resource: ‘The Christopher Winter Project’ to enhance our teaching of RSE. Further details on the curriculum content for each year group can be seen below:

RSHE Policy 

RSHE Consultation Letter to parents